Serving In

We are the Haun family and we have just arrived on the field in Sofia, Bulgaria!

The city they call home is a beautiful and broken place that serves as the capital of Bulgaria and is home to close to 1.3 million Bulgarians. The Haun family is serving there with the goal of starting churches that become part of a church-planting movement that they believe God has in store for this great city and even the country of Bulgaria. The Hauns believe that the Kingdom of God is on the move in Sofia, Bulgaria, and are excited to be a part of the redeeming work of Christ as it transforms one neighborhood at a time all across this great city.

Joshua and Katie have been married for 13 years and have served in the Church of the Nazarene since before that time. Katie grew up in Tennessee and graduated from Tennessee Technological University with a teaching degree in elementary education and an additional middle school endorsement. She loves hosting in our home, baking, and sharing life with friends. Katie is a huge part of our ministry here in Sofia, where she teaches the children each Sunday during church. She is also responsible for Bulgaria's mission finances. She helps coordinate Central European Field and Eurasia Regional events. Katie is in the midst of her journey to ordination in the Church of the Nazarene as an Elder. She is completing her educational requirements through Trevecca Nazarene University, where she will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Christian Ministry in 2025. She was just granted her first District License through the East Tennessee District. We are excited to see where that journey takes her.

Joshua also grew up in Tennessee, graduated from Trevecca Nazarene University and Nazarene Theological Seminary, and spent ten years pastoring and church planting in the East Tennessee District. He loves to read a good book, be outdoors, and explore his surroundings while running, going on hikes in the mountains, and taking walks in the park with friends. He enjoys coffee meetings and keeping a garden. Joshua is pastoring the first church plant here in Sofia, “Home Church,” and spends much of his time preparing sermons, translating materials, and discipling new friends. He also leads a midweek in-depth Bible study and prayer time where believers from all stages gather together to learn more and draw closer to Christ. He has a passion for teaching and has partnered with Eastern European Nazarene College to teach classes online. He also works with the Central European Field to offer church planting training classes. 

Joshua and Katie have three amazing children. Jude is their outdoor-loving 6-year-old boy. He loves Superheroes, HotWheels, Legos, and being active outside! Jude also loves playing soccer, riding his bicycle or scooter, and being with friends. He loves going on hikes with his Daddio! He has summited four mountain peaks and loves being in nature!

Kaitlyn “Kate” is their sweet and sassy 4-year-old girl. She loves sips of Daddio’s coffee and snuggles any time of the day! You can often find her coloring or drawing, playing with Disney princess Barbie dolls, or playing with one of her brothers! She is the mother of her class at school and loves to play pretend! She loves swinging at the playground and going on ice cream dates with her classmates after school! She is the BEST at karaoke and lip-syncing! She knows every word to Dolly Parton’s “Jolene”!

Levi is their newest. He is a sweet and energetic toddler! He turns two on Christmas Eve and is into everything! He loves cars, balls, and being outside in the grass, free to go where he pleases! He loves his Bubba and Kaka and playing with their toys! Levi is walking and talking more and more every day. His laughter can fill any space, and he knows how to melt your heart with a simple "LUH YOU!”

Thirteen years ago, Joshua and Katie moved to Razgrad, a smaller Northeastern Bulgarian town. At that time, they were volunteers with the Church of the Nazarene. Their love for Bulgaria continues to grow.

Joshua and Katie are passionate about church planting. They believe that God’s favorite way for individuals, families, and neighborhoods to discover the love of Christ is to discover the love of the body of Christ: the church! They have a passion and a vision to see local expressions of the body of Christ penetrate and begin to transform the city of Sofia, one neighborhood at a time. After less than a year of living in Sofia, they and others they had met along the way began meeting on Sundays for worship. Now, they gather with twenty to thirty believers weekly in their home for worship and a mid-week Bible study. The Haun family cannot wait to see what God will accomplish in the coming years as they continue “Serving in Sofia.”

Thank you to those who love, pray for, and financially support the Haun Family and their ministry to Sofia, Bulgaria. Your support is invaluable and greatly appreciated.



Joshua and Katherine Haun

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The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 congregations in 164 world areas. 
