Serving In



Carlos e Isabel son misioneros de Guatemala, ambos miembros de la Iglesia del Nazareno “Ri´os de Agua Viva” en el Distrito Central de Guatemala.

Carlos es comunicador e Isabel es fisioterapeuta. Ambos estuvieron involucrados en distintos ministerios en su iglesia local, especialmente trabajando con nin~os y jo´venes y tambie´n participando en ministerios a nivel distrital. Tambie´n pudieron participar de varios viajes misioneros de corta duracio´n en su pai´s y tambie´n en otros pai´ses.

En junio de 2012 Carlos e Isabel se casaron y meses despue´s recibieron una invitacio´n al campo misionero. En mayo de 2013 se mudaron a Buenos Aires, Argentina para servir como misioneros de la Iglesia del Nazareno en la Regio´n Ame´rica del Sur. Isabel sirviendo en el Ministerio de Escuela Dominical y Discipulado ayudando en el desarrollo de herramientas para el ministerio con nin~os y Carlos en el Ministerio de Comunicaciones. Durante los cuatro an~os que estuvieron sirviendo en Argentina, nacieron sus hijas: Katherine y Nathalie.

En junio de 2017 la familia se mudó a Quito, Ecuador para continuar con el ministerio. Actualmente viven en Quito, Ecuador, Carlos sirve en el ministerio de comunicaciones a nivel regional e Isabel sirve en el equipo regional de Ministerios Nazarenos de Compasio´n. Llevan casi 6 an~os viviendo en Ecuador, en el transcurso de este tiempo tuvieron a sus hijos: Camila y Santiago.

Cuando ellos hablan del servicio en el campo misionero expresan: "Nuestro deseo es servir al Sen~or en cualquier lugar donde E´l nos quiera llevar y de la forma que E´l lo quiera hacer.”

“Y ahora, que toda la gloria sea para Dios, quien puede lograr mucho más de lo que pudie´ramos pedir o incluso imaginar mediante su gran poder, que actúa en nosotros”.
Efesios 3:20







Carlos and Isabel are missionaries from Guatemala and are both members of the “Rios de Agua Viva” Church of the Nazarene in Guatemala's Central District.

Carlos is a communicator and Isabel is a physiotherapist. Both were involved in different ministries in their local church, especially working with children and youth, and participating in district-level ministries. They were also able to participate in several short-term mission trips in their country and in other countries in Central America.

In June 2012 Carlos and Isabel got married and months later they received an invitation to the mission field. In May 2013 they moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina, to serve as missionaries for the Church of the Nazarene in the South America Region. Isabel served in the Sunday School and Discipleship Ministry assisting in the development of tools for ministry with children, and Carlos in the Communications Ministry. During the four years they were serving in Argentina, their daughters Katherine and Nathalie were born.

In June 2017 the family moved to Quito, Ecuador, to continue ministry. Currently living in Quito, Ecuador, Carlos serves as part of the regional communications team and Isabel serves on the Nazarene Compassionate Ministries regional team. They have been living in Ecuador for almost 6 years. In the course of this time, they had their children: Camila and Santiago.

When they speak of service on the mission field, they say, "Our desire is to serve the Lord wherever He wants to take us and in the way He wants to do it".

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us”.
Ephesians 3:20

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Isabel and Carlos Juarez

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The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 congregations in 164 world areas. 
