Serving In

Aceptó al Señor Jesucristo como su salvador personal a la edad de 7 años durante una Escuela Bíblica de Vacaciones.

Es miembro en la Iglesia del Nazareno Landívar en el Distrito Central de Guatemala, y sirve como misionera global en la Iglesia del Nazareno.

Su llamado al ministerio inició cuando servía, junto a mi esposo Cornelio (?) apoyando a una pareja de misioneros con los equipos de Trabajo y Testimonio que llegaban a su país y luego formar parte del equipo con varias parejas nacionales.

Ha servido como secretaria de la Junta de la Iglesia del Nazareno Landívar, por varios años en diferentes periodos, así como en el Concilio de MNI del Distrito Central como coordinadora de T & T, vice–presidente y luego, durante 9 años como presidente.

Sirvió también como coordinadora de MNI para el Área Central de la ex Región MAC, asistiendo en el ministerio a los países de Guatemala, El Salvador y Honduras.

En el ministerio global, sirvió durante 2 cuatrienios (2001 – 2005 y 2005 – 2009) como miembro del Concilio Global de MNI en representación de la ex Región MAC, miembro de la Junta General de la Iglesia del Nazareno (2005 – 2009) y miembro del Comité Internacional de la denominación (2005 – 2009), representando a la misma ex región.

En el ministerio regional, sirvió como miembro del Comité Consultivo Regional (RAC) durante 4 años (2005 – 2009), y desde el 2004 ha servido como coordinadora regional de MNI para la ex Region MAC y la actual Región Mesoamerica.

Servir a Dios en las misiones ha sido un privilegio y anima a otros a responder al llamado.

Agradece a Dios por la vida de sus hijos, Ana Zoila y Wilfredo, Oscar Arnoldo y Sarita y Juan Carlos, y por sus 2 nietos, Emma Naomi y Pablo Andres quienes le sirven también.


Ana accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as her personal savior at the age of 7 during a Vacation Bible School. She is a member of the Landívar Church of the Nazarene in the Central District of Guatemala, and serves as a global missionary in the Church of the Nazarene.

Her call to her ministry began when she served, along with her husband Cornelio (?), supporting a couple of missionaries with the Work and Witness teams that arrived in her country, and later being part of the team with several local couples.

She has served as secretary of the Landívar Church of the Nazarene Board for several years in different periods as well as on the Central District NMI Council as W&W coordinator, vice-president and then for 9 years as president.

She also served as NMI coordinator for the Central field of the former MAC Region, assisting in ministry to the countries of Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras.

In global ministry, she served for 2 quadrennium (2001 – 2005 and 2005 – 2009) as a member of the NMI Global Council representing the former MAC Region, member of the General Board of the Church of the Nazarene (2005 – 2009) and member of the International Committee of the denomination (2005 – 2009) representing the same former region.

In regional ministry, she served as a member of the Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) for 4 years (2005 – 2009), and since 2004 she has served as the NMI regional coordinator for the former MAC Region and the current Mesoamerica Region.

Serving God on missions has been a privilege for her and she encourages others to answer the call.

She thanks God for the life of her children, Ana Zoila and Wilfredo, Oscar Arnoldo and Sarita and Juan Carlos, as well as her 2 grandchildren, Emma Naomi and Pablo Andres who also serve God.



Ana Crocker Diaz

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The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 congregations in 164 world areas. 
