Serving In


Giovani y Adriana son un matrimonio Colombiano que conoció el evangelio en diferentes momentos de sus vidas y desde hace 16 años se hicieron miembros de la iglesia del Nazareno en el Distrito Central Norte de su país, Él es oficial retirado del ejército, profesional en Ciencias Militares e Ingeniero Especialista en Voladuras para obras Civiles y Mineras, ella se desempeñó en el área comercial y empresarial siendo socia de la empresa fundada con su esposo.

Aunque llegaron a Cristo por diferentes circunstancias, fue en un retiro de su iglesia local donde tuvieron un encuentro real y verdadero con El Señor, a partir de ese momento y hasta la fecha no han dejado de servir en las iglesias a donde Dios los ha llevado. Iniciaron su liderazgo con ujieres, grupos pequeños, matrimonios, maestros de niños y preadolescentes, también hicieron parte del equipo que planto la iglesia “Gente con Propósito” de su Distrito. Giovani fue elegido miembro de la Junta Consultora del Distrito en Asamblea del 2019 y se desempeña como tesorero desde esa fecha hasta hoy (2025).

Conocieron el servicio en las misiones gracias a que fueron rodeados de líderes misioneros consagrados y Dios guio sus corazones a liderar una iglesia en crisis de su Distrito, posteriormente siendo miembros de la iglesia “Por su Gracia”, fueron invitados en calidad de misioneros voluntarios al Distrito España donde gracias al amor que El Señor ha puesto por las personas, su celo por el evangelio y la doctrina Nazarena, vienen sirviendo como formadores de nuevos lideres, apoyo en la plantación de nuevas iglesias (Bilbao), implementando herramientas de discipulado y evangelismo que conduzcan al crecimiento del evangelio en esta región de Europa.

La necesidad mas sentida para esta pareja son sus oraciones para que la pasión por el servicio permanezca viva, El Señor siga prosperando su ministerio y ponga en el corazón de la iglesia, patrocinar su trabajo.



Giovani and Adriana are a Colombian couple who learned about the gospel at different times in their lives. 16 years ago they became members of the Church of the Nazarene in the North Central District of their country. Giovani is a retired army officer, a professional in Military Sciences, and a Specialist Engineer in Blasting for Civil and Mining Works. Adriana works in the commercial and business area, being a partner in the company founded with her husband.

Although they came to Christ through different circumstances, it was at a retreat from their local church where they had a real and true encounter with the Lord. From that moment on, they have not stopped serving in the churches where God has taken them. They began their leadership with ushers, small groups, couples, teachers of children and pre-teens, and were also part of the team that planted the “People with Purpose” church in their District. Giovani was elected member of the District Advisory Board at the 2019 Assembly and has served as treasurer since that date until today (2025).

They learned about missionary service because they were surrounded by consecrated missionary leaders and God guided their hearts to lead a church in crisis in their District. Later, as members of the church “By His Grace,” they were invited as volunteer missionaries to the District of Spain where, thanks to the love that the Lord has placed for people, their zeal for the gospel and the Nazarene doctrine, they have been serving as trainers of new leaders, supporting the planting of new churches (Bilbao), implementing discipleship and evangelism tools that lead to the growth of the gospel in this region of Europe.

The most heartfelt need for this couple is their prayers that the passion for service remains alive, that the Lord continues to prosper their ministry, and puts in the heart of the church to sponsor their work.



Giovani Echeverry and Adriana Ruiz

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The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 congregations in 164 world areas. 
