Serving In

Joa~o Ademir Milesi e´ professor e pastor da Igreja do Nazareno ha´ 32 anos, mestre em Missiologia e Teologia, Novo Testamento e em Filosofia. Atualmente e´ Coordenador Nacional de Mobilizac¸a~o Missiona´ria de Misso~es Globais no Brasil. Tambe´m como professor de va´rias mate´rias inclusive Grego e Hebraico no Brasil na FNB, FTN, STNB e ETED desde 1995; foi professor de grego instrumental (curso de licenciatura) no STN de Cono Sur desde 2001; foi professor de Teologia del Evangelismo y Crescimiento de la iglesia no STN de Cono Sur, tambe´m professor de va´rias mate´rias em STN do Chile (Temuco e Valparaizo); e professor de va´rias mate´rias no STBI desde 1991.

Plantou igrejas em Pedreira – Sa~o Paulo – depois pastoreei igrejas e atualmente e´ coordenador da MNI da A´rea Central do Brasil, orientador do giro missiona´rio e foi palestrante nos quatro EXPLORE – COM de 2019 no Brasil. Depois coordenou EXPLORES – COM em 2020, 2021, 2022 e 2023. Colabora pastoralmente na Igreja do Nazareno Betel – Hortola^ndia – Sa~o Paulo.

Celia Maria Rossi Milesi e´ pastora da Igreja do Nazareno ha´ 10 anos, tem servido o Senhor em muitos lugares, pedagoga, com especializac¸a~o em arteterapia, teologia e especializac¸a~o em capacitac¸a~o de professores.

Foi missiona´ria na A´frica em torno de 10 anos como diretora de uma escola com 850 alunos do infantil ate´ o liceu em Guine´ Bissau, depois Sa~o Tome´ e Pri´ncipe, Mali, Senegal, Chile, Taila^ndia, Mianmar, regia~o agreste de Natal, Roraima, Acre, Manaus e por 2 anos na Gre´cia trabalhando com refugiados e estrangeiros e gregos em Atenas e na ilha de Lesvos. Hoje missiona´ria Nazarena patrocinada atuando como assistente de Mobilizac¸a~o Missiona´ria no Brasil. Professora de um dos polos do STNB, e coordenadora de Misso~es Urbana, com e^nfase em gerac¸a~o de renda dentro do ministe´rio MAM. Ela e palestrante nos explores e ajuda na coordenac¸a~o. Colabora pastoralmente na Igreja do Nazareno Betel – Hortola^ndia – Sa~o Paulo.



João Ademir Milesi has been a professor and pastor of the Church of the Nazarene for 32 years, with a master's degree in Missiology and Theology, New Testament and Philosophy. He is currently the  nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNational Coordinator of Missionary Mobilization for Global Missions in Brazil. Also as a teacher of various subjects including Greek and Hebrew in Brazil at FNB, FTN, STNB and ETED since 1995; he was a teacher of instrumental Greek (degree course) at STN in Cono Sur since 2001; he was professor of Theology of Evangelism and Growth of the Church at the STN in Cono Sur, also a professor of various subjects at the STN in Chile (Temuco and Valparaizo); and teacher of various subjects at STBI since 1991.

He planted churches in Pedreira – São Paulo – then pastored churches and is currently coordinator of the NMI of the Central Area of Brazil, advisor of the missionary tour and was a speaker at the four EXPLORE – COM 2019 in Brazil. He then coordinated EXPLORES – COM in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023. He collaborates pastorally at the Bethel Church of the Nazarene – Hortolândia – São Paulo.

Celia Maria Rossi Milesi has been a pastor at the Church of the Nazarene for 10 years, has served the Lord in many places, is a pedagogue, specializing in art therapy, theology and specializing in teacher training.

She was a missionary in Africa for around 10 years as director of a school with 850 students from kindergarten to high school in Guinea Bissau, then São Tomé and Príncipe, Mali, Senegal, Chile, Thailand, Myanmar, the rural region of Natal, Roraima, Acre , Manaus and for 2 years in Greece working with refugees and foreigners and Greeks in Athens and on the island of Lesvos. Today she is a sponsored Nazarene missionary working as a Missionary Mobilization assistant in Brazil. Professor at one of the STNB centers, and coordinator of Urban Missions, with an emphasis on income generation within the MAM ministry. She is a speaker at the explores and helps with coordination. She collaborates pastorally at the Bethel Church of the Nazarene – Hortolândia – São Paulo.



João and Celia Milesi

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The Church of the Nazarene is a Protestant Christian church in the Wesleyan-Holiness tradition.

Organized in 1908, the denomination is now home to about 2.5 million members worshipping in more than 30,000 congregations in 164 world areas. 
